Home News Retrospective Metalot@Work June 21th, 2023
Publication: 11 augustus 2023

Retrospective Metalot@Work June 21th, 2023

On June 21, we organized the second Metalot@Work of this year. The theme of the 2nd edition was circularity in the iron power cycle; or the regeneration of iron oxide.



We look back on a very successful meeting that included the following topics:

  • The successful Iron Power Consortium - formed by researchers from TU/e, SOLID, RIFT, Iron Plus+ and Metalot - won the Team Science Award 2023 for its joint pioneering research.
  • Prof. Niels Deen showed the challenges that exist in R&D in iron reduction methods where he addressed fluidized bed and electrowinning. The developments are rapid and promising, we are obviously not there yet despite the fact that his team of researchers and students, both in terms of experiments and (CFD) modeling, are making impressive progress.
  • Alexy Sepman of RI.SE (Sweden) discussed the results achieved in research using plasma technology. With his Dutch background, connections were quickly made, underlining the long-standing relationship between TU/e and RI.SE.
  • The Italian company Pometon/IRON+ (producer of iron powder) online represented by Ekatarina Makarova and physically by Marc van Genderen from TU/e showed the promising results of research in practice to scale up to a continuous process.
  • Lex Schepers of team RIFT can use the donation from the Bill Gates Foundation to build a large pilot 80 kW reduction plant in Arnhem, making circularity in iron power generation a reality.


As managing director, I am proud, proud of the results achieved and the promising cooperation. I look forward to the next step(s).


Plenty of questions and answers were exchanged, not to mention many of us went home with at least one new contact, one new idea and one or more resulting action(s). Great to see all these Iron Power ambassadors at work during the networking and drinks part of the session. And just that gives enormous energy to the Metalot team to continue building a world-class community on Iron Power. It was a great day for us and we conclude that all participants also had a great day. For those who could not attend this session, a recording of the presentation is available upon request. Click here to request the recording.


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Metalot@Work: 2 more sessions in 2023

Please mark September 13, 2023 and December 13, 2023 in your agenda. We will again organize Metalot@Work sessions during which we will discuss market opportunities and further developments in iron power technology. The themes of the next Metalot@Work sessions are:

  • Business cases, sectors and the early adopters (September 13, 2023)
  • Next generation concepts (December 13, 2023).

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