It will be a special edition of Metalot@Work. Not only because of its location, but especially because of its content. This has everything to do with the steps that the Metalot Foundation has taken over the past year in collaboration with our host, the ZLTO organisation. As an association of and for 12,000 farmers and gardeners in Zeeland, Brabant and South Gelderland, ZLTO takes a vast interest in sustainable energy and new revenue models for its members.
A social challenge
The lesson from previous Metalot@Work meetings is that iron powder has been successfully used as a safe, transportable, flexible storage medium for sustainable energy. More and more national and international companies, knowledge institutions and governments are joining in.
It is time to look at the broader social task of the energy transition together with new partners. It is not without reason that this last session for 2023 is called 'Metalot 2.0'.
Wednesday, December 13 from 14:00 - 18:00h at the ZLTO head office, Onderwijsboulevard 225, 5223 DE ’s-Hertogenbosch
13.55 - Opening
by Prof. Philip de Goey (chair of the Metalot Board)
14.00 - 15.30h – Putting theory into practice
Ruud Koornstra, former energy commissioner of the Netherlands, takes you through successive steps within the energy transition. The program starts with a welcome by Prof. Philip de Goey (full-time professor of TU/e energy technology and chairman of the board of Metalot) and Hendrik Hoeksema (ZLTO's Climate and Energy portfolio holder).
Prof. Mart van Bracht, Director of System Integration at the Top Sector Energy will follow up by setting the scene on current energy transition hurdles and looks ahead to future integrated energy systems.
The first practical steps in the agricultural sector will be taken by Metalot and ZLTO in 2024. Ruud will talk to Raoul Voeten, managing director of Metalot, Eric van der Spelt, farmer from Dinteloord and Luuk van Wezel about storing green energy from wind or sun, new revenue models, using valuable residual flows and further electrification of equipment/processes. At the end of this first part we also provide a glimpse behind the scenes of the fast-growing international network surrounding Iron Power.
15.30 – 16.00h – Break and visit to information market
While enjoying the break, do visit the information market with companies such as RIFT and Iron+ as well as student teams SOLID and SHIFT from TU/E. See a real iron powder flame in action.
16.00 - 17.00h – Together we create the 2030 energy mix
We take a look at the role of energy storage in general and what contribution metal powder can make to the energy mix in the coming years. Together with Ruud Cino (Energy System and Innovation management team at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy) and representatives of network operators, science and the agricultural sector, we will investigate the possibilities to move forward together. Learn what barriers there are and how we create new opportunities.
The program finishes at 17.00h and will be happy to offer networking opportunity and drinks to you during the informal closing.
Venue: ZLTO Agri Food Health Innovation Centre, Onderwijsboulevard 225, 5223 DE 's-Hertogenbosch.
Navigate to: Vlijmenseweg 1A ’s-Hertogenbosch. Enter the parking, doors are open.
Participate in the mid-day workshop(s) organized by Metalot and partners to translate and concretize the vision into implementation of the strategy and roadmap to the market. In 2023 all Metalot@Work sessions are free of charge.