It seemed to be an unrealistic dream at that time, so the first few years were tough. Starting a brand new development like this is challenging, because it was very difficult to get the necessary funding and parties together in the Netherlands and Europe in the first few years. But we persisted. We remained convinced of the potentials and that we could be able to create a large Metal Power community of collaborating people from academia, industry and governments. The technology push slowly changes into a market pull trend due to its meanwhile proven potential and increased visibility.
In this short document, I will elaborate the main steps taken to get to this point by creating a timeline and discussing main (strategic) steps to get where we are today. Still, we are not at all where I would like to be, but by working in an increasingly stronger and larger team, it is becoming more fun, but also more difficult …..
At this point in time, more than 10 MEuro of funding has been obtained from different sources to make next steps possible. This is a good basis to make next steps in all relevant terrotories.
Thanks to many people who are in the middle of this with me, to name a few (the most important ones):
I am acting as budget responsible scientics of the Technical Team Dust Combustion (Perwaves project) within the international Physical Sciences Team of ESA-ESTEC since around 2010. Several sounding rockets have been launched over the years studying perculation wave flame fronts propagating in clouds of particles within a zero-gravity environment. In november 2019 the last TEXUS-56 sounding rocket was launched from Sweden. Eperiments so far have been published, with an overview in Acta Astronautica in dec. 2020.
Palecka, Goroshin, Higgins, Shoshin, de Goey, Angillella, Oltmann, Stein, Schmitz, Vega, Vincent-Bonnieu, Sillekens & Bergthorson, Percolating Reaction–Diffusion Waves (PERWAVES)—Sounding rocket combustion experiments, Acta Astronautica 177, p 639-651 (2020)